Risk Assessment, Checklist suggestions for Covid-19 times

Any additional Covid-19 risk factors should be added to your usual Risk Assessment (RA) document as you will be delivering your show as usual – maybe with some changes – but the extra bits about Covid-19 should be added to your standard RA, and not just replace it.

Disclaimer: I don’t offer any of this post as advice in any way whatsoever. Health & Safety, Risk Assessments, etc.,  are your sole responsibility. I’m just talking about how I’m approaching the issues. 

"Risk Assessment, Checklist" suggestions for Covid-19 times

I saw recently that NASA UK had issued a Risk Assessment  document on its website on July 15th 2020. On the home page of https://nasauk.org/

I had some thoughts too recently about how to make a simple Method Statement and make a checklist, so you could work out what you were planning to do for a potential outdoor gig. This might help you work through what you plan to do, need to think about and make preparations for, and also make sure what the person booking you needs to do/prepare.

These are just my thoughts and if you make a Risk Assessment or Method Statement then that’s up to you to write up and sign-off on your own version; in the end it’s your legal responsibility – you can’t just copy’n’paste a generic RA, as that won’t clearly describe what you do.

Disclaimer: This is not ‘advice’ in any way whatsoever, just an example of what’d I’m doing in order to get ready to deliver outdoor work (should I get a gig :))


WRITE A SIMPLE type of “METHOD STATEMENT” so you can work out what you are doing on the day and who you will come into contact with.


1.       Load car, drive to show location

2.       Arrive by car and park in space provided at back of location (must be near dressing room)

3.       Carry props and kit to dressing room. Change into costume.

4.       Go from Dressing Room to stage. Wait backstage for cue.

5.       Connect headset radio mic to sound system

6.       Give music on CD to Tech

7.       Perform show using suitcase, props, guitar.

8.       During show use 1 volunteer from Crew.

9.       Show ends, pick up props return to dressing room.

10.   Reload Car, drive home.







1.       Load car, drive to show location


Disinfect car and especially boot; disinfect all props and kit; disinfect flight-cases and boxes/suitcases/guitar/slack-rope A-frame. Wear disposable gloves for load and driving/ or use hand-gel before and after.



2.       Arrive by car and park in space provided at back of location (must be near dressing room)





3.       Carry props and kit to dressing room. Change into costume.


Dressing room MUST have been cleaned and disinfected before arrival and be big enough for 2mSD if used by more than one person. DR must be lockable and secure.




4.       Go from Dressing Room to stage. Wait backstage for cue.


Stage must be arranged so that the Audience and any Crew are at least 2m + distant from the Artist. Usually the gap between Artist and Audience is about 4m+ and this is in the info you sent to the Booker.

Stage should be cleaned before new Artist uses it – in particular if contact with the floor occurs as part of the show e.g. acrobats, jugglers, dancers.




5.       Connect headset radio mic to sound system

6.       Give music on CD to Tech


Any mic cables/mic stand/mic must have been freshly disinfected. Hand gel must be easily available on stage. Crew might have to use gloves and wear masks if close to other Crew or Artist. Artist cleans CD and headset receiver unit before handing to Crew.




7.       Perform show using suitcase, props, guitar.

8.       During show use 1 volunteer from Crew.


use disposable gloves and hand gel, stay 2mSD.




The Artist agrees to make reminders and announce and safety information on instruction from the Booker to help maintain Audience safety. During performance the Audience needs to be 2mSD between family groups or bubbles. This 2mSD is to be planned and stewarded by the Booker. Note: the Booker is responsible for the Audience behaviour.



9.       Show ends, pick up props return to dressing room.


After show. Disinfect props/kit; cases and bags before loading back into car; clean hands before using car. Place costume or other clothing into sealable bag for washing at home.



10.   Reload Car, drive home.


Gel hands before entering home, place props and equipment in a safe zone, change clothes, shower before approaching other people.



11.   Booker to disinfect Dressing Room as soon as Artist has left.





AND/OR MAKE A SHORT CHECKLIST for easy reference

Sample Checklist




Take with




Sealable plastic bags






Disinfectant sprayer



Clean cases



Clean props



Clean cd/radio mic



Clean car


Confirm with Booker

Parking space and access




Dressing room (to be cleaned)



Stage space



Times of shows, tech rider, etc






Gloves and hand gel for comedy volunteer



Headset, CD, tech – into sealed bag/or disinfect on-site

Disinfect cases and props before load into car



Costume into sealed bag



Clean hands before car keys/car



At home store cases and props and tech in clean area



Properly wash costume and clothes



Make sure no contact with other people before washed, clean clothes and hands, etc.



Notes for the Booker


“Booker” – could be a Producer, Local Authority, Venue Manager, Stage Manager – it means the person or organisation that is responsible for your gig/show and is providing the facilities and staff who will work with you.

“Artist” – that’s you or your cast

“Audience” – the public or guests

“2mSD” = 2 metre social-distancing



Notes for the Booker

Re: 2mSD and associated hygiene/clean locations.

Consider the performance space – Stage – and the Audience space, work out capacity and plan how to control access.

Consider Audience movements including arrival and departure routes

Mark out 2mSD zones so that family groups/bubbles can be 2mSD from other family bubbles.

Make sure that access routes are understood so that 2mSD can be maintained as Audience arrives and leaves.

Stewards with suitable PPE will probably be needed to maintain 2mSD.

Given that Audience size will be less than ‘normal’, plan for extra shows.

During performance the Audience needs to be 2mSD between family groups or bubbles. This SD is to be planned and stewarded by the Booker.

The Artist can help by reminding and announcing safety information on instruction from the Booker to help maintain Audience safety.

Note: the Booker is responsible for the Audience behaviour.

Dressing room MUST have been cleaned and disinfected before arrival and be big enough for 2mSD if used by more than one person. DR must be lockable and secure.

Booker to disinfect Dressing Room as soon as Artist has left.

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