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All prices are ex-delivery cost, which will be at cost price, and added to the final price..
Wooden Unicycle £ 15
Costume, Clothing
Wool. Costume from an opera. Red trous with grey strip. Great condition. Approx 40 chest, 38 waist
short macintosh
White polyester handmade suit. Approx 46 chest and 42 waist
Pierre Cardin pure wool suit immaculate. Approx 44 chest, 40 waist. Light grey with purple lining
Police constable uniform, genuine. c.70’s. 38 chest, Approx. 34 waits
Fine linen 3 piece tailored suit. Very good condition. Approx 40 chest and 34 waist
Antiques and Vintage, Collectables
Servis bakalite type hairdrier
Edison Gem
Hunter Hacker
Smith Premier 60
Smith Premier 60
sink and hob combo from campervan
caravan sky light
Polaroid Colour Swinger land camera
Commodaore 1571 disk drive
Commodore plus 4
Slipper Bed Pan
Coracle picnic basket, complete, mint condition
pedigree c.1950/60s pram
Morlands pram canopy
Morlands pram canopy, unused
Triang OO guage
Triang Babywalker
Triang Babywalker close-up
cylinder vacuum cleaner
Camberwick Green and Herbs Jigsaws
Music stand, working
Joe Davis Table Billiards Table
Valet razor
Eagle comic 1968 vol 19 #38
crescendo portable phonograph
Festival of Britain Pleasure Gardens Guide 1951
Viking Cisten, plastic and pink with plastic gold handle. Vintage
Signed by Adrian Boult and Paul Beard, Very good condition